
It’s back to school time! Unfortunately, it is important to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic is still very much with us and currently getting worse. Therefore, in order to return to school safely, we all must do what we can to reduce the chances of getting sick. What are a few important back-to-school safety tips you should follow? Learn more below.

1. Get Vaccinated if You Can

The most important thing for everyone to keep in mind is that they have to get vaccinated as soon as they can. This is, by far, the most important step any of us can take to protect ourselves and others.  Fortunately, we now have extensive evidence that the vaccine is safe and effective, even against the new Delta Variant.  On the other hand, none of the vaccines are approved for young children. Approval in this age group is not expected until late in the fall or maybe even the end of the year. Not only will the vaccine essentially eliminate any risk of your child getting seriously ill, but each vaccinated member of our community also helps us move closer to herd immunity, at which point our lives can return to normal.  Until the vaccine is available for your child, the following practices are critical.

2. Practice Good Personal Hygiene

It is still important to practice good personal hygiene which can reduce transmission of the virus. Make sure your child understands the importance of washing his or her hands. You may also want to send your child to school with plenty of hand sanitizer. Make sure your child uses this liberally. Share this with family members and friends to make sure everyone else is practicing good personal hygiene as well.

3. Respect the Safety Rules of the School

All schools are going to have safety measures put in place, and these are specific to your location, the prevalence of the virus in your area, the number of people vaccinated, etc. Some schools may require children to wear masks, particularly if a significant portion of the school has not yet been vaccinated. Other schools may require social distancing. Your school may even require your child to stay home for a few days if he or she has even mild symptoms. Understand that these precautions are in place with regard for the health and safety of everyone involved. It is important to consider that every person who has died from COVID-19 caught the virus from another person.  None of us want to be responsible for transmitting the virus to others who might suffer or die because of it.  So, please carefully follow the safety rules of the school.

4. Communicate with Your Child

It is normal to have anxiety about returning to school, in general.  But your student’s anxiety might be amplified if they are returning after a long period of absence due to the pandemic.  You should determine how your child feels about going back to school. Some children may be excited to spend time with their friends again. Other children may be nervous about returning to the classroom. You need to communicate openly with your child and address any concerns that he or she may have. If your child has questions or concerns, you should make sure they are validated. Then, answer them in a way your child can understand.

5. Monitor Physical and Mental Health

Given the particularly dangerous nature of COVID infection and the ease with which it spreads, it is necessary to be particularly attentive to your child’s health and symptoms.  Any respiratory symptoms, body aches or fever should be assumed to be COVID until proven otherwise.  Even intestinal symptoms can be an early sign of COVID.  Therefore, if your child develops any irregular symptoms, have him or her evaluated before they return to school.

Contact CapRock Health with All Questions and Concerns

It is normal to have questions and concerns about going back to school, particularly during the pandemic. You need to make sure that your child feels safe. You also need to understand why health and safety Protocols are being put in place. We are CapRock Health, and we provide you with access to state-of-the-art emergency medical care. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.